Jenna Marbles on Being You

Monday, July 1, 2013

Stuff I don't understand Part 1.

Non-vegans. I don't understand non-vegans. Do people not comprehend the suffering they cause? Do they not understand that the meat they eat comes from animals that are raised to be eaten? Raised on a diet of torture and pain, fed antibiotics so that they don't die from the disgusting conditions that they're kept in. If all the grain that is fed to cattle was given to people, we could end worldwide poverty. Yes, END IT. If we stopped to think about the amount of methane produced by the ridiculously large population of livestock raised for slaughter, we'd figure out that it contributes to 50% of Climate Change. And don't think that vegetarians who still drink milk are getting off the hook. Female cows are forcibly impregnated each year to keep them producing milk. When the calf is born, it is taken away from its mother, who then bellows and cries for its baby. If the calf is a girl it is artificially fed from rubber teats instead of by its own mother. If it's a boy it is placed in a confinement so small that it can't move, because that way its muscles don't strengthen, and it is later slaughtered to create veal. Yes milk-drinkers, you contribute to this. The mother is milked several times a day, and re-inseminated again the next year, which marks the start of the cycle all over again. This torture won't end unless the demand for the products ends.

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