Jenna Marbles on Being You

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Use this search engine to help save the rainforest!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Just explained Twitter to Kate. It's actually hard to explain satisfactorily. But anyway, I will just have a quick random synopsis of my life recently before logging off.

So Casey ( was wiped out by Rossi on Sunday, which I am not pleased about.
We're having people over for dinner on Saturday.
I'm completely snowed under by three internals (History, Biology and Classics)
I'm sick of waiting for the next Vampire Diaries episode to come out (six weeks between episodes!!!!!!!!)
I missed an episode of The Big Bang Theory (but will catch up on the weekend)
My home internet is on dial-up speed
I'm hungry
And I'm really excited about my job, even though it might mean that I miss my cousin's 21st. :( Hopefully he'll understand if I do though, because I've been looking for a job for so long.

Anyway, I'm done now, so will head off, hope like hell that the wireless will work soon, and maybe come back and update this blog soon.

Cya! :)
Hehe. Hi lovely people reading this! Lol, so I'm sitting in the computer room right now, and I'm distinctly bored! I'm super pissed off that the wireless in the boarding house isn't working, because it forces me to come to the computer room (and thus the monitored computers) to put my diabolical plan into action. JK. But seriously, I am pissed off that I can't go on Twitter and check my emails from my room. No, I have no diabolical plan.

Anyways, I got a job recently. It's quite ironic. Haha, it's the most ironic thing of the past year, but I work at a SPORTS shop. I sell sports gear. Haha. So I did 7 hours on Saturday, and 7 hours on Sunday, and my feet are KILLING me. Or rather, they were until Monday morning, at which point after a good night's rest they were kinda tender but I could at least walk, which was more than I could say after Saturday, at which point after arriving home I flopped and demanded a foot spa, which my kind mother was nice enough to bring to me.

But that's irrelevant. I work in the kids shop ( the store I work at is Lifestyle Sports, and I'm at one of the outlet stores near where I live), and so far I've sold about 50 pairs of football boots, plus a couple of pairs of baby shoes and some trainers. They start you off in the kiddy store, because the adult store is really technical. I now consider myself to be a self-professed kiddy-football-boots expert. Nah, not really, but I do know enough to advise parents and kids on what to buy, which is kinda cool.

Anyway, I don't really want to stay here in the computer room much longer, so I'm gonna go...